Friday 16 September 2011

i've got to hand it to you!

It is good to pray alone but i prefer to have someone with me! When i pray i like to have as many people with me all putting their hands on my shoulder and i prefer to have mum or dad especially!every night before i go to sleep i say my favourite bible verse! it is ;john 3:16"the lord so loved the world that he gave his one and only son for those that believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life"so just have it and remember it because it is one of the most important bible verse!


Betty or Nanna to you, said...

Wow baby boy...that is so lovely to read what you have put on your blog..God will truly bless & use you as you continue to seek Him in everything you do..Nanna loves you very proud of this write up..xoxoxoxoxo

Shaunus said...

thanks nanna god bless you too!

Shaunus said...

thanks nanna god bless you too!

Sarah said...

Hey Shaun, this is a really beautiful post. Hope to see more of your thoughts soon. :)